Bookmark pages

Y'all tin salvage links to pages with bookmarks. Bookmarked pages tin be added to the bookmark manager for quick access and organization.

Add bookmarks

Create bookmark

To bookmark the current folio, while browsing:

  1. Click the heart icon, located on the right side of the combined search and address bar.
  2. If you want to change the image associated with the bookmark entry, click the left and right arrows on the sides of the thumbnail.
  3. If you want to sort the bookmark, select a folder or create a new one by clicking the dropdown menu.

Once created, you can notice your bookmarks in the managing director. To open the managing director, select  on from the menu bar on Mac or from theO Menuon Windows or Linux.

Manage bookmarks

Edit bookmark

Hover your mouse over your bookmarks to view options to manage them:

  • Click the pen icon to edit your bookmark's name or location.
  • Click the10 to motility the bookmark to your trash folder.

Y'all can rearrange your bookmarks past dragging and dropping them on the page. To move a bookmark into a binder, drag and drop the entry on summit of the binder, either on the page or in the sidebar.

Manage bookmark folders

Manage bookmarks

Top-level bookmark folders appear on the manager'southward sidebar. To add together top-level folders, click the+ New folder push button, give the binder a proper noun and pressEnter. Opera adds the folder to the list.

To edit, remove, or nest folders, clickMy Folders in the sidebar.

Editing folders is like editing bookmarks. Hover your mouse over the folder to view options to manage them:

  • Click the pen icon to edit your folder's proper noun.
  • Click theX to movement the folderand all of its contents to the trash folder.

To rearrange folders, drag and drop them on the page or in the sidebar. To nest folders, drag 1 on pinnacle of the other.

Search bookmarks

Utilize the bar at the top to search for bookmarks by name. Opera will filter bookmarks with each keystroke, looking into every folder, to assist you detect your folio.

The switch on the left side of the search box changes how bookmarks are displayed. Select between a filigree of images or a condensed list to improve navigate your bookmarks.

Manage trashed bookmarks

Bookmarks you desire to remove are sent to your trash folder. If you lot accidentally sent a bookmark or bookmark binder to the trash binder, don't worry. You lot can easily bring it back to your bookmark managing director.

To restore a trashed bookmark item:

  1. Select the Trash  folder at the bottom of the bookmark managing director'south sidebar.
  2. Hover your mouse over the item you wish to restore.
  3. Click the Undo Deletebutton that appears.

Bookmarked pages are restored to the Unsorted Bookmarks  folder.

To remove trashed items permanently:

  1. Select the Trashfolder at the bottom of the bookmark director's sidebar.
  2. Click the Empty Trash  button, found at the top right of the folio.

Use the bookmarks bar

The bookmark bar adds a listing of pages onto a quick-access bar below the combined address and search bar. That way yous tin can get to frequently-visited sites at any fourth dimension, without having to open up Speed Dial or the bookmark director.

To enable the bookmark bar on Mac, select . For Windows and Linux, get to

To add together a page to your bookmark bar while browsing, select the+ button, located on the left side of the bar. Give the bookmark a name and clickSave.

Yous tin can edit a bookmark'southward title on the bar pastCtrl+clicking the entry and selectingEdit.

Ctrl+click the bookmarks bar to add a folder. To add the current page to a bookmark folder, click the binder proper noun and select Add Page…  Or, drag an entry from the bookmarks bar into the folder.

Download and manage files

When yous download a file from a website, a download message appears below the right side of the combined address and search bar. This message shows a progress bar of the download, and disappears when the download is complete.

A new icon appears at the correct side of the combined address and search bar, besides. Click this to see a list of your most recently downloaded files, or clear them from your download history.

To view a detailed list of your downloaded files, launch the files from the browser, or restart a download if your connectedness was interrupted, select  on Mac. On Windows and Linux, go to .

Yous can modify the default download location in your preferences. To practise so:

  1. Go to Settings (Preferences on Mac).
  2. Click Browser  in the sidebar.
  3. Under Downloads , click the Change… button.
  4. Navigate to the binder you wish to have downloads saved to and click Select .

Here, yous can also set up the browser to ask you where you'd similar to salve files every fourth dimension you download.